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Начало Широколистни Вечнозелени Cordyline Australis Atropurpurea - big tree

Cordyline Australis Atropurpurea - big tree

Цена: 65.00лв.

Студоустойчивост до USDA zone 8

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 Cordyline Australis Atropurpurea - big tree

The "Bronze Australian Sword" or more likely, the "False Red Dracaena" with stout decorative stems crowded by elegant clumps of stiff dramatically arching spike leaves toned pinkish bronze in full sun. A fabulous color version of the spiked "Lily Grass" traditionally used in summer urns. With age will become a fountain of dusky bronzed purple atop a woody trunk. So use for a summer urn and abandon to the frost gods or rescue for a winter houseplant.