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Pear Turnbull Giant - 2 ltr

Цена: 25.00лв.

Patent : USA № 4616

Хибридна азиатска круша

Временно изчерпана наличност

Pear Turnbull Giant - 2 ltr

Този хибрид между азиатска и европейска круша идва от САЩ , от разсадника на Cliff England, плодовете са много едри със свеж и сочен вкус на чбълка, Периода на цъфтеж е много дълъг и по този начин опасността от слана е сведен на минимум. Устойчив на огнен пригор и великолепен за прясна консумация. Разсадника ни го произвежда за първа година с калеми от собствен маточник. Може да се нуждае от прореждане, поради обилния си плододобив. Зрее 10 дни след Бартлет.

Плодовете се консумират след кратко лагеруване след бране.

Историята за случайното създаване на сорта можете да прочетете тук 



Turnbull Giant
Breeder(s): Discovered by Lois Turnbull, Depew, Oklahoma next to a horse run. 
History: Issued Plant Variety Patent# 4616 in 19xx by the United States Patent Office.
Rootstocks used: ***[will check my records- I recall it was on standard stock]; Said to be directly compatible with Provence quince [mis-named in the patent as "Providence"] and Cotonester acutifolia
Orchards grown in: Coal Mountain, GA.
Fruit quality: Flavor is ***. Texture is supposedly crisp when the fruits are smaller, then soft when fully ripe. Mr. Tonge, cited below, sings this fruit's praises, but many who have grown it do not share his opinion. A trusted fellow grower from South Georgia told me that he thought the name "Turnbull" came from the way its poor taste would make a bull turn and run from the fruit!
Fruit size: Very large. 454-1000 g/fruit
Fruit appearance: Roundish, apple-shaped.
Culinary characteristics: Originators claim it is great for salads, canned pears or any other purpose an apple might serve. 
Storage characteristics: Said to be a good keeper in the patent description.
Harvest season: 10 days later than 'Bartlett' according to the patent. 
Bloom season: ***; a few days *** vs Spalding. Said to be self-fertile.
Diseases: Not as resistant to fireblight as nurseries selling this tree suggest. My tree grew well its first year, but was significantly damaged by blight in subsequent years. ***Pear leafspot.
Precocity: Said to be precocious. I moved away before my tree fruited.
Productivity: Said to be very productive.
Growth habit: Very vigorous; 
References other than my own experience: 
Peter Tonge. 1981. Christian Science Monitor [it should be noted that there are several errors in horticultural terms in this article, suggesting that the author and/or his editor don't know much about fruit-growing. -ASC]
United States Patent Office. Patent PP4616.